In this latest built (Beta 10) Mozilla keeps working on improving performance and stability, some of the changes are: Improvement in memory usage, remote blacklisting for graphic drivers (hardware acceleration), and improvement for Mac OS X with better Adobe Flash support, this means better video playback with less computer resources being used. As Mozilla is getting to the final stages of Firefox 4 and being almost ready for prime time, they are asking to all Firefox users to keep submitting feedbacks as much as possible. Mozilla has said that they received over a million feedbacks for Firefox 4 Beta and everyone counts, so keep on sending them feedbacks every time you find a problem. You can easily do this by clicking the Feedback button in the top-right corner of the window or going to the site with the link mentioned below. Mozilla has come a long way with all these releases and getting near to final stable release, Firefox 4 is showing to be a great competitor to other web browsers. This last release seems steadier, faster, and more responsive than other builds.

Regular download Firefox 4.0 Beta 10 Download Firefox 4.0 Beta 10 for Windows, Mac, & Linux, and all languages. Submit feedback to Mozilla about Firefox 4.0 Beta

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