What this new Google service is, we officially still don’t know, what we know so far is that What Do You Love? offers you relevant results in a single page divided in blocks combining an arrange of Google products, for example, if you type Windows 7 in the WDWL search box and click the heart button — Yeah! the heart button… Cute! — Google is going to display: Set alerts, Gmail, books, images, YouTube videos, Google Translate, and any other Google service that includes some relevance to the search term with, of course, content that may answer your search.

The results, in my opinion, are not quite as good as when you do a normal Google search, but like any other new things tweaks and refine may come over time. And also this may look like Google is trying to inform users that answers can also be found if they use different Google products. Google hasn’t yet made this new service official and it is my best guess is going to happen today. You should give WDYL a try, then tell us how useful do you find this new Google service and if you are getting relevant and interesting results. Source TechCrunch All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.