In this article you are going to learn step-by-step how to upload music to Music Beta from a Windows 7 PC and keep those songs synced in the Google Cloud.

  1.  Sign in to your Music Beta account or request an invitation here.

  2.  In the top-right corner of the screen, click the ADD MUSIC link.

  3.  This service needs to download and install a small application that will allow you to upload your music collection. Click the Download Music Manager button. Once the musicmanagerinstaller.exe finishes downloading, double-click to run the installation wizard.

  4.  When the Music Manager starts, click the Next button.

  5.  Sign in once again with your Google Account, choose whether you want to stay signed in and/or send crash reports to Google, and click the Next button.

  6.  In Select music, choose which music library (iTunes, Windows Media Player, My Music Folder or Other folders) from your computer you want to add to the Music Beta library — for this demonstration we are going to use Other folders –. Next click the Add Folder button, browse and add the music folder(s) and click the Next button.

  7.  Lastly the Music Manager wizard is going to ask you, if you want the application to automatically upload new songs when they are added to the selected folder(s). Once you decide, click the No or Yes button to finish. After this the songs located in the folder will be uploaded.

  8.  After the process is done and you close the wizard the Music Beta Manager will be minimized in the System Tray.

Note after the upload is completed you need to refresh the Music Beta by Google session for you to see the new songs in the library. Bonus – Music Manger after install configuration Next I am going to show you where to find and change Music Beta configuration settings after the installation. In Windows, you will find an icon that looks like a headphone in the System Tray, right-click to access the Music Manager menu: First in the options’ list will be listed the number of Songs added, then Options…, which we are going to look in just a second, Go to Music Player will open your default web browser, load and sing in automatically into your Music Beta library, and if something didn’t go as expected the last options is Run troubleshooter, where the Music Manger will complete some basic tests to diagnose for problems.

Now let’s look the Music Manager Options: In the first tab you have the Select music, from here you can change which music library (iTunes or Windows Media Player) or folder(s) the location(s) Music Beta monitors to upload music to the Google Cloud.

The Advanced options are the more interesting, from here you can change how frequently the Music Manger uploads the music and some other miscellaneous options, such as whether or not you want the Music Manger to automatically starts at Windows start-up and/or send to Google crash information. Last option is to Sign out of the service, but note that you need to be signed in to control the Music Manager and to upload new songs. In this section there are also two options that stand out and give users more control: The first one is that you can choose to upload your music collection Manually or Automatically or in certain time, and the second is Bandwidth available for uploading options, which is great for users with slow internet connection. If you have to change any of these settings, always remember to click the Apply and then the OK button to finish.

In this article we have covered quite a few things about how to upload music to the new Music Beta by Google and how to use and configure Music Manager. I hope that this how-to was useful. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.