The news follows recent information from Russian leaker WZOR, who stated that Windows 8.1 Update 2 (or Windows 8.2) was scheduled to release in September time frame, however Mary Jo Foley’s report states that the next update could be released as soon as August.  Perhaps the biggest piece of information is that the next update may also mark the return of the new Start menu for Windows — the one Microsoft demoed during the Build 2014 developer conference in San Francisco –, but the ability to float windows modern apps in the desktop it is unlikely to be included with the next August update for Windows 8.1 though. Microsoft may be leaving this feature for Windows 9, which is likely to appear some time in 2015.  Also it appears that the software maker is working to unify the current set of Windows SKUs to deliver only one consumer SKU of the operating system that will work on Windows Phones and smaller tablets. According to Foley, this version of Windows won’t include the Desktop environment, which means that users won’t be able to run traditional applications. Apparently this new SKU won’t be a new version of Windows RT as we know today, but the company will keep offering an ARM-based version of the OS, which it looks like it will be free.  No doubt Microsoft is trying to fix its operating system, Windows 8.1 Update was a major relief for users with keyboard and mouse. But now with the new updates coming it seems that part of Microsoft wants to separate desktop and mobile users, something many customers have complained since the original version of Windows 8 was released.   Source ZDNet  All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.