On the Surface Pro 3 user manual, under the “Using OneNote with Surface Pen”, Microsoft slips some details about a smaller tablet: “If you want to do more than take a quick handwritten note, unlock Surface Mini.” (However soon after the leak, Microsoft pulled off the Surface Pro 3 user guide.)

It would be hard to think, Microsoft making a reference that doesn’t exist on such document, as such we can only assume the information is accurate. When the company will official confirm the existence of a Surface Mini that’s unclear, but the time of which this is happening coincide with words I heard from reliable sources. But I still have my doubts, did Microsoft mistakenly leak this information or the company purposely got this information out to get us talking? Either way, like many of you, I’m patiently waiting for Surface Mini. You can still read the Surface Pro 3 user guide with reference of Surface Mini at Scribd. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.