So, I grabbed the code for the new tweet button, I placed it into my website and everything was great. When I tested it and I noticed that at the end of the tweet it said: “via @addthis” instead of “via @Pureinfotech”, I didn’t like to have it this way, so I looked around in the web but I could not find anything in relation to this problem. Then I decided to contact Addthis support team to see if they could help, and they kindly supplied me with an answer. So, here is the fix: If you are using Addthis to share your stories and at the end of the tweet says: “via @addthis” instead of your twitter account, do the following: Use the template that they normally give you and at the tweet button line add the attribute “tw:via=yourName”, like this: Now, every time someone tweets one of your stories, it will be shared properly: @YourName. Remember to the first to leave a comment in the section below or share this article on Twitter. Thanks! All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.